Environmental Working Group

Environment Working Group Progress Report 

June ’23 to May ‘24

Highnam Environment Working Group was created in 2020, to implement the environment targets of the Highnam Parish Plan Refresh document (2018) and the Highnam Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011-2031.  Our EWG 5-year plan, produced in mid-2020, will end next year.  A copy of the plan is available for all parishioners to view on the Parish Council website.  Our practical work falls into four categories this year and we have made excellent progress in each area over the past 12 months.

  1. Improvement of the Landscape.  Our pollinator patches have been maintained and supplemented by additional wild flower seed and plugs.  Despite losing one patch to the inappropriate fencing at Maidenhall corner, we now have a new patch at Lassington Tower churchyard to help offset this.  The Payback team has done some excellent work clearing overgrown paths around the village, making everything look much neater.
  2. Biodiversity Improvement and Management of Woods.  The Butterfly Crescent has been maintained to remain attractive to insects, by providing an excellent variety of flowering plants throughout the growing season.  The Wild Highnam Woodland Working Party volunteers have completed the 30-year overdue task of thinning John’s Wood, which already shows signs of encouraging a more diverse flora and fauna to flourish.  The Payback Team have also worked very hard to clear overgrown pathways through Lassington and John’s Woods.  Several of the pathways have been reinforced with scalpings or wood chippings, to make sure everyone can visit our open spaces easily now.
  3. Protection of Public Open Spaces. A new Village Walk has been developed over the past year, which encourages walkers to visit all our items of interest, such as our beautiful wooden sculptures and pollinator patches.  Following this designated walk will ensure visitors stick to appropriate pathways and avoid natural areas that we wish to preserve, such as the bluebell patches.
  4. Reduction in Littering and Dog Fouling. We have introduced more new uni-bins (used for both dog and general waste) but, sadly, we continue to have far too many cases of dog fouling, and bagged poo being dumped on verges. Reminders of more appropriate behaviour are given regularly in our monthly piece in the parish LINK magazine.

For the future

During our final project year, we are applying for funding to plant a Community Orchard, in a small section of Mary Grove Field, which all residents will be able to enjoy in the coming years.  Once the EWG completes all its project targets, we anticipate continuing to support the Parish Council and parishioners in a similar way, to maintain the wonderful environment that we are so lucky to have in the village.

If you would like to become involved with helping with any of the EWG’s work, or the Heart of Highnam village improvements group, please contact me, Councillor Bill Badham cllrbillbadham@yahoo.com 01452 247112


Please take time to fill in this form if you haven’t already done so.

EWG form

EWG Feedback Form Results

Project Review

Autumn 2023

Autumn 2022

Autumn 2021

Autumn 2020

EWG Annual Report May 23

HPC Environment Plan 2020 – 2025

Woodland Management Plan 2021-2025